bed bug
Your Trusted Bed Bug Treatment Service in Cary
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Satisfaction Guaranteed

You can rest easy, knowing that we back up our work with our 100% guarantee. If for some reason you aren’t satisfied, we’ll keep working until you are.

Benefit Body
Same Day Service

We will take care of your pest problem as soon as we can! Call before noon for same day service.

Bed Bug Exterminator in Cary

Are bed bugs stealing your sleep? Triangle Pest Control is one of the first companies in North Carolina to utilize heat treatment to combat bed bug infestations, and we’ve had nearly a decade to perfect our services. Our bed bug exterminators in Cary are trained to inspect, detect, and remove bed bugs quickly and efficiently the first time around. We are so confident in our bed bug control, we promise a 100%-guarantee 6-month warranty. If bed bugs return within 6 months of your first treatment, so do we, free of charge. 

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Your Local Office
3501 US-64 Suite 105
M-F: 7:30 AM-6:00 PM EST
SAT: 9:00 AM-2:00 PM EST
SUN: Closed
4985 Reviews
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Triangle Pest Control Service Area Raleigh, NC and Charlotte, NC

Safely Get Rid of Bed Bugs in Your Home

Our bed bug exterminators value open communication, so they’ll keep you informed every step of the way and answer any questions you may have. When you trust our eco-friendly bed bug treatment, our bed bug exterminators will provide the following:  

  • A thorough bed bug inspection to identify where bed bugs are hiding and the severity of your infestation. 
  • Implement a customized bed bug treatment plan utilizing our bed bug heat treatment or our effective Aprehend spray treatments.
  • Bed bug monitoring and prevention by implementing a system of bed bug monitoring stations, allowing our exterminators to know that we successfully removed all bed bugs. We also offer bed bug mattress encasements to prevent future bed bug infestations. 

Aprehend Bed Bug Spray

Aprehend is a non-toxic, family-friendly bed bug treatment product. Aprehend utilizes a fungal spore known as Beauveria bassiana, which is a natural enemy for bed bugs. These fungal spores attach to bed bugs and spread throughout the colony. Bed bugs will die within 4-10 days of contacting the fungus. While this may sound harsh, Aprehend is completely safe for your family, home, and pets. The fungus cannot grow inside your home and is not harmful to anything except bed bugs. 

Contact A Bed Bug Exterminator Today

Same-Day Bed Bug Inspection in Cary 

At Triangle Pest Control, we understand how stressful a bed bug infestation can be. That’s why our bed bug exterminators in Cary offer same-day services to inspect your home and create a customized bed bug removal and prevention plan. Our bed bug exterminators value your safety and are dedicated to providing the best pest control treatment possible.

5 Star Review

Technician was very prompt, business-like, knowledgeable, and refreshing to deal with.

April Torrington
Raleigh, NC
5 Star Review

Very professional and knowledgeable. Good customer service awareness . Appeared to enjoy his work. Hope he is available for all f/u services

Clifford Bell
Raleigh, NC
5 Star Review

Derik was great. Friendly, knowledgeable and he addressed all of our concerns plus provided some insights in case we see any bugs between visits.

Brian Shufford
Charlotte, NC

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